Energy saving features

South Africa has lagged behind Europe and the USA when it comes to energy conservation. This has been because the South African homeowner has enjoyed low electricity costs for decades. Unfortunately those days are over, and one of the most important considerations when buying a retirement home has to be energy efficiency and the resulting cost-saving.
At Amble Ridge, we’ve researched and evaluated every possible way we can build our homes to be more energy efficient, and as a result, we have incorporated the following key features into our homes:

Solar water heating

• We install a dual element in your geyser and link it to photovoltaic solar panels.  When the sun is shining (which thankfully in Africa is quite often), the electricity generated by the solar panels heats the water in your geyser, and when it isn't, the geyser switches to Eskom power to top up the water temperature.  This system results in a saving of 50% - 60% of normal electricity charges, and because there are no moving parts, maintenance costs are low.


• Roofs are insulated with “Spunsulation” as well as 100 mm thick “Isotherm” insulating material which adds to indoor comfort and reduced energy consumption, because there is less need for cooling or heating devices.
• We perform energy efficiency calculations to ensure that the energy loss through glass doors and windows is acceptable.  For additional savings, we can replace all the glass in your house with double glazing.
• Your geyser is located in your garage and all water pipes are lagged to minimise heat loss.

Energy efficient heating and lighting

• All lighting is provided by low-wattage LED lamps and bulbs.
• We can install your choice of either high performance, yet energy-efficient fireplaces, be they flueless gas fireplaces, closed combustion wood burning fireplaces, or pellet fireplaces.

Backup power supply

• We can install a backup power supply in your house, with or without solar panels.   If you don't want to do so at the time of construction, we will arrange your distribution board so that it is easy to add at a later stage.
• We have a generator that runs the clubhouse, healthcare buildings, guard house and street lights, so Amble Ridge is never dark.